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The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and ConnectAmericas would like to ask for your valuable support in promoting the second edition of the Build the Americas 2022, a business event of great interest for companies that provide goods and services within the infrastructure sector. 

This event represents a unique opportunity, for it seeks to bring together the best infrastructure development companies in the world with potential partners and suppliers from Latin America and the Caribbean to develop the newest and most important infrastructure projects that will be financed by the IDB for the economic recovery of our region.


Date: February 24, 2022, 10:00 AM EST.

During the event, businesspeople from around the world will have the opportunity to participate in the following activities:
The presentation of 20 future infrastructure tenders that are critical for the region: get access before anyone else to presentations made by the government and IDB representatives on these new tenders. 
Business Roundtable: Participate in a business roundtable in which international infrastructure developers and local suppliers will get to hold one-on-one meetings, in order to explore collaboration opportunities for these critical tenders as well as for other projects. 
In this link, you will find our media kit to share with your members. Within the kit you will find the following: 
An HTML invitation form
Social media posts and graphic material to be shared
Participants’ guide

We would also be happy to have a brief call with you to answer any questions you may have about the event.
You can contact us at

Thank you for your support. We are convinced that this will be an excellent opportunity for your members.

On December 7, 2021, The Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce together with the Law Firm PEARL COHEN and the company NOGA held a webinar on the FoodTech ecosystem in Israel. Adv. Ilana Soloducho Kashmir from PEARL COHEN conducted a panel of representatives of companies that operate in the FoodTech industry. Rina Fainstein from NOGA Presented a review of the ecosystem of food technologies in Israel. During the webinar, several innovative technologies in meat, milk, bread and other fields were presented. We believe that there is a great potential for future joint ventures between companies from Israel and Latin America in the FoodThech industry.


Nos enorgullece felicitar a Roberto Spindel, presidente de la Cámara por haber sido galardonado como Mexicano Distinguido en el Extranjero. Este reconocimiento es el máximo honor otorgado por el Gobierno Mexicano a mexicanos residentes en el extranjero cuya trayectoria de vida ha sido destacada en todos los ámbitos. La entrega del reconocimiento se realizó en el ámbito de la semana de México en Expo Dubai 2020 en una ceremonia presidida por la Subsecretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Martha Delgado y el Gobernador de Hidalgo Omar Fayad. Roberto Spindel es el primer mexicano residente en Israel que recibe este premio.


We are proud to congratulate Roberto Spindel, the chambers president, for being recipient of the Distinguished Mexicans Abroad award. This award is the highest recognition given by the Mexican government to expatriates with an outstanding career abroad. The award was granted within the framework of the Mexican week in Expo Dubai 2020 by the undersecretary of Foreign affairs Martha Delgado and the Governor of the State of Hidalgo Omar Fayad. Roberto Spindel is the first Israeli resident of Mexican origin to get the prize.



Roberto Spindel, presidente de la Cámara de Comercio Israel América Latina, recibirá el Reconocimiento Mexicanos Distinguidos 2021, otorgado por el Instituto de Mexicanos en el Exterior (IME) por su distinguida trayectoria en el extranjero.

On 26 October, 2021, the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Guatemala-Israel Chamber of Commerce & Tourism (ISRACAM). The ceremony was attended by Shirly Aguilar, the Vice Minister of Foreign Relations of Guatemala, Mattanya Cohen the Israeli ambassador to Guatemala, Julissa Anzueto Aguilar the Ambassador of Guatemala to Israel, Ritha Czech The commercial attaché of Guatemala in Israel, Marian Cohen the President of bi-lateral Chambers of Commerce, Yoram Naor the Honorary Consul of Belize to Israel.

The agreement was signed  by Edgar Heineman the President of the Guatemala-Israel Chamber of Commerce & Tourism (ISRACAM)  and by Roberto Spindel the President of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce.


On Monday, 13 September, 2021, the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce held a webinar on technologies in the medical cannabis industry. The meeting was attended by more than 100 businessmen from Latin America. The meeting was moderated by Marcelo Schottlender, who is leading the Chamber's Agriculture Forum.   Roberto Spindel, President of the Chamber greeted the guests. Five leading Israeli companies in the field presented during the meeting: TIKUN OLAM, PROFIT AGRO, METZERPLAS, HAIFA-GROUP, PEARL COHEN. We would like to thank the participants and exhibitors at the meeting for their contribution to the success of the conference.
The Chamber considers medical cannabis an industry that creates opportunities for Latin American businesses to integrate Israeli technologies. We will continue to assist companies that are interested in promoting their business in this field.


Mr. Roberto Spindel, President of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce


Mr. Marcelo Schottlender, leading the Agriculture Forum of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce 


On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with BE1 Defense Technologies & Solutions, toasted the Jewish New Year 5782 (תשפ"ב) with the military attachés of Latin American countries in Israel.

Mr. Amit Titelman, CEO of the Chamber, greeted the guests and said a few words about the holiday and its customs. Ms. Ilil Podliszewski-Lavi, President of BE1 Digital Marketing & Business Development, spoke to the audience and Mr. Guy Nudelman and Mr. Idan Naor from BE1 presented a new version of their product, Manpacked Anti-Drone.

We thank the ambassadors, delegates and the military attachés of Paraguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico and Peru for participating.

Happy New Year, Shana Tova


On Monday, 30 August 2021, the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce toasted the Jewish New Year 5782 (תשפ"ב) with the diplomatic staff of Latin American embassies in Israel.

The meeting took place in the office of ILAN Israel-Latin American Network.

Roberto Spindel, President of the Chamber and Dov Litvinoff, CEO of ILAN and Mireya Muñoz Mera Ambassador of Ecuador in Israel greeted the guests.

We thank the ambassadors and representatives from Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay for honoring us with their presence.

Happy New Year, Shana Tova



On Tuesday, 27 July, the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce held a special edition of its annual assembly hosting the ambassadors of Latin American countries to Israel, representatives of various government offices and of leading Israeli companies who actively participate in the Chamber's activity.
Alternate Prime Minister of Israel and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Yair Lapid sent an official recorded greeting. Mr. Roberto Spindel, the President of the Chamber, and Mr. Mario Edgardo Castillo Mendoza the Honduran ambassador to Israel greeted the participants.
Mr. Yossi Abadi, CEO of TENLOT Group gave a talk about "Israeli investments in Latin America as an engine for Social Development" and Prof. Shlomo Ben Ami talked about "Global developments and their impact on Israel's foreign relations".
Honduran ambassador was recognized in honor of the opening of the new embassy in Jerusalem, and Daniel Werner from the Ministry of Agriculture, Alex Averbuch from Ashra, and Ralph Ben Tal, the Chamber's CFO were awarded certificates of appreciation for their contributions to Chamber activity.


Mr. Mario Edgardo Castillo Mendoza the Honduran ambassador


Mr. Yossi Abadi CEO of TENLOT Group


Prof. Shlomo Ben Ami


Mr. Ralph Ben Tal the Chamber's CFO



We invite you to watch the following Interview on i24news with Roberto Spindel, President of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce, and Rina Fainstein, President of the Innovation Forum at the Chamber and CEO of Noga Plus, presenting the Chamber's main objectives and the business relations between Israel and Latin American Following Covid-19 pandemic.



The Israel - Latin America Chamber of Commerce congratulates Honduras for its new embassy in Jerusalem, a symbol of the strong relations between the countries.

Felicitaciones !!!!!


Last Thursday, 03.06, in collaboration with the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture (משרד החקלאות ופיתוח הכפר), the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce organized a conference about Medical Cannabis at the offices of the Ministry of Agriculture in Rishon Letzion.

Among the speakers were Mr. Yakov Poleg-Director of the Center for Foreign Trade and International Cooperation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Roberto Spindel - President of the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce, Mgr. Yuval Landschaft, Director of IMCA - Israeli Medical Cannabis Agency, Mr. Ravid Morag- CEO of Profit-Agro Ltd, Prof. Hinanit Koltai, Ph.D. Research Scientist - ARO, Volcani Institute, and Ms. Ifat Kariv and Dr. Lihi Bar Lev- Deputy General Manager for Government Relations and R&D Director at Tikun-Olam Cannbit Pharmaceutical.

We want to thank Mr. Daniel Werner from the Ministry of Agriculture for his help in organizing this conference and the participants for their time and interest in this exciting topic. We are looking forward to seeing you at our future events!!

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Mr. Roberto Spindel - President of the Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce


Mr. Daniel Werner - Head of Foreign Relations & International Cooperation at the Ministry of Agriculture


Ms. Ifat Kariv - Deputy General Manager for Government Relations at Tikun-Olam Cannbit Pharmaceutical


2nd June 2021

The Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce has collaborated with BE1-Defense Technologies and Solutions (BE1 Digital Marketing & Business Development) at their

anti-drone event. Mr. Roberto Spindel addressed the audience following the opening remarks by Ms. Ilil Podliszewsi-Lavi and Idan Naor-President and VP, respectively, of BE1.

Afterward, the anti-drones system's capabilities were presented to the diplomats on a live demonstration. The event counted with the participation of business people, professionals, the Ambassadors of Colombia, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, Paraguay, and diplomatic representatives of Honduras, Guatemala, Perú, as well as other European countries.


30 April 2021

Last Wednesday, 28.04.2021, Together with the Embassy of Costa Rica in Israel, the Trade Promotion Agency (Promotora del Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica) & the Investment Promotion Agency (CINDE), our chamber held the webinar; "Costa Rica as a Hub for Manufacturing Medical Equipment."

We thank Ralph Ben Tal-Vice President and CFO of our Chamber, for conducting this event, Dyana Ester Cordero - Commercial Attaché to the Costa Rican Embassy in Israel, as well as Mr. Roberto Spindel and Amit Titelman the President and CEO of the Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce, Amb. Oren Bar, Israeli Ambassador to Costa Rica, and Mr. Javier Rojas- Chargé d'Affairs a.i of the Costa Rican Embassy in Israel for their welcoming words.

We also want to praise Mrs. Denise Dajles, who shared the success story of Establishment Labs in Costa Rica, Mrs. Pilar Madrigal for presenting the advantages of Costa Rica as a MedTech hub, and conducting the Q&A section, as well to Mr. Eric Shraf- the President of CINDE, for his closing words.

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Amb. Oren Bar, Israeli Ambassador to Costa Rica 

Israel en Costa Rica

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Mrs. Dayna Ester Cordero, Commercial Attaché of the Embajada de Costa Rica en Israel and Director of Promotora del Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica in Israel

April 2021

The Ambassadors' Club of Israel has chosen Amb. Max Haber Neumann of Paraguay as the Ambassador of the Year.

As part of the collaboration of our Chamber with The Ambassadors' Club of Israel, Mr Roberto Spindel and Mr Amit Titelman, President and CEO of the Chamber, Mr. Yoram Naor, VP Ambassadors' Club in Israel, Board Member of the Israel- Latin American Chamber Commerce and Honorary Consul of Belize, as well as diplomats and officials of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were among the participants.

Amb. Haber Neumann is concluding his mission in Israel after more than seven years. Good luck with your next challenge, Max!!!!

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Meet our members:

EWave MD

Medical develops and implements end to end solutions for public and private hospitals and health organizations, including Primary care and Home Tele-medicine solutions, Centralized EMR, Health ERP, Claims management, E-prescription, health promotion, preventive health, patient portal, COVID19, and other diseases monitoring systems.

Mr. Shauli Nakar, Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Ewave MD Medical , stated that they are currently promoting a number of projects in Latin American countries as they see a great potential in Latin America for expanding and developing company business. According to Mr. Nakar, their experience shows that in order to make business in the area you need the right contacts and good networking skills. “The Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce has proved to be a valuable asset for us in getting acquainted and penetrating the Latin American market” affirmed Nakar.


Mr. Shauli Nakar, Co-Founder & Managing Partner of Ewave MD Medical


We want to share an interview given by Mr. Roberto Spindel, President of the Israel Latin American Chamber of Commerce, to Nadia Cattan to the Mexican website Enlace JudíoMr. Spindel speaks about the Chamber's role strengthening the business relationship between Israel and Latin American countries.



Last Thursday, 11.03.2021, the Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce organized a meeting of the forum of the bilateral Chambers of Commerce of Latin America and Israel.

The event started with greetings by Mr. Roberto Spindel, the president of the Israel- Latin American Chamber of Commerce. Then, political and economic reviews were conducted by Amb. Modi Ephraim and Mr. Udi Avivi, DG for the Latin American and the Caribbean, and First Secretary of the Economics Division at the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The event was a significant step forward for strengthening Israel- Latin American relations. We thank the presidents of the Chambers of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Peru, The Dominican Republic, Panamá, Paraguay, Uruguay for their participation.

Cámara de Comercio Argentino Israelí

Câmara Brasil Israel

Cámara de Comercio Colombo Israelí

Cámara Israel-El Salvador de Comercio e Industria

Cámara de Comercio e Innovación Ecuador - Israel

Cámara México-Israel De Comercio e Industria

Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Agricultura Panamá-Israel

Cámara de Comercio Paraguayo Israelí

Cámara de Comercio Uruguayo Israelí

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Last Wednesday, 10.03.2021, Mr. Roberto Spindel and Mr. Amit Titelman, President and CEO of the Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce, met with the recently assigned Ambassador of Ecuador to Israel, Amb. Mireya Muñoz Mera at the

Embajada de Ecuador en Israel and discussed ways of improving and strengthening the cooperation between the countries.

Amb. Mireya Muñoz Mera has over 30 years of experience at the Ecuatorian Foreing Service. She served at her country's Embassy in Washington DC, the Permanent Mission to the World Trade Organization in Geneve, and was the Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Colombia between 2011-2014.


Amb. Mireya Muñoz Mera, Ambassador of Ecuador to Israel


The Israel Latin American Chamber of Commerce salutes its female members and Latin American Ambassadors on International Women's Day!!!



The Israel- Latin American Chamber of Commerce congratulates the new Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Amb. Ernesto Torres Pereyra for presenting his Letter of credence to President Rivlin. We wish you good luck and looking forward to strengthening the relations between the Dominican Republic and Israel. 

Amb. Torres Pereyra is a career official serving in the Dominican Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1988. During his career, he has been Deputy Head of Mission at the Dominican Embassy in Seoul, Tokyo, and at the Dominican Delegation to UNESCO in Paris.



On 15.02.2021, the Israel- Latin American Chamber of Commerce hosted at its offices in Hertzliya Pituaj a special round of one on one meetings for its Members with Amb. Eldad Golan, the designated Israeli Ambassador to Honduras.

We thank the representatives of BE1- Defense Technologies and Solutions (BE1 Digital Marketing & Business Development) , Israel Shipyards, EwaveMER GroupNogaplus Israel - América Latina, Pearl Cohen , and Yona International for taking part in this important event.


Amb. Eldad Golan, designated Ambassador to Honduras, together with Mrs. Ilil Podiszewski-Lavi, President of BE1 Defense Technologies and Solutions (BE1 Digital Marketing & Business Development), Mr. Baruch Dilion, CEO of Computech International and Mr. Amit Titelman, CEO of the Israel-Latin American Chamber of  Commerce.


Amb. Eldad Golan, designated Ambassador to Honduras, Mrs. Rina Fainstein, CEO and Founder of 

Nogaplus Israel - América Latina, and Mr Amit Titelman, CEO of the Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce.


Amb. Eldad Golan, designated Ambassador to Honduras, Mr. Oded Breier VP of Marketing of Israel Shipyard


On Friday, 12.02.2021, Mr. Amit Titelman, CEO of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce, participated in an online meeting with prominent Hondurenian businesspeople and shared our Chamber's experience on promoting business relations between Israel and Latin America.

The event was organized by Dr. Omar Andres Garcia, a Hondurenian geopolitical analyst, together with Minister Miguel Muñoz, Head of Cooperation and Commerce Office in Jerusalem at the Honduras Embassy in Israel, and Mr. Oscar Arturo Alvarado, Interim Head of the Israeli Mission in Tegucigalpa.


Minister Miguel Muñoz, Head of Cooperation and Commerce Office in Jerusalem at the Honduras Embassy in Israel


The Israel-Latin American Chamber congratulates its President, Mr Roberto Spindel, for being included in the list of Top 40 Latin American pro-Israel supporters and leaders by Jewish News Syndicate!!!

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On Friday 01/01/2021, Mr Amit Titelman- CEO of the Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce and Mr Yoram Naor- Vice President of the The Ambassadors' Club of Israel, Member of the board of the Israel-Latin American Chamber and Honorary Consul of Belize, participated at the successful radio program "Holem be Sefaradit" (חולם בספרדית עם קיקה סמואל) hosted by Quique Samuel on Radios 100FM (רדיוס 100FM).

Ambassadors from different countries: PARAGUAY, URUGUAY, MEXICO, ARGENTINA, COLOMBIA, PANAMA, DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, EQUATORIAL GUINEA, PERU and COSTA RICA expressed their wishes for 2021 and chose a song representative of their country.

If you missed it, you can listen at the following link.

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The Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce offers great benefits to its members. Most recently, the representatives of AllotEwave GroupHaifa Group - Pioneering the FutureIsrael Aerospace Industriesלוכסמבורג תעשיות - Luxembourg IndustriesMetzer, @Ormat and Pearl Cohen had the unique opportunity to have an EXCLUSIVE meeting with Mrs. Tal einuk, who is the next Israeli economic attaché in Peru. 



On Monday, December 7th, 2020. The Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce hosted a webinar with the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (משרד החקלאות ופיתוח הכפר) about "Technologies for water deficit management" with the presence of the Latin American Ambassadors and Diplomatic corps in Israel, and companies working in the sector. We are grateful for the welcome speech of the MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, Min. Alon Schuster - אלון שוסטר , and the presentations of Eng. Mishelle Mejia - The director of the water solutions forum at the Israel Latin American chamber of Commerce, Eng. Luis Samoiloff - from Netafim, and Mr. Samuel Dresel - from Agritask.


THE MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE, Min. Alon Schuster, giving a welcome speech at the event


Eng. Mishelle Mejia - The director of the water solutions forum at the Israel Latin American Chamber of Commerce


Eng. Eng. Luis Samoiloff - from Netafim during his presentation.


Mr. Samuel Dresel of Agritask  explaining about the company's platform.


On Thursday, December 3, 2020, The Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce hosted a business event at the offices in Herzliya Pituach allowing the meeting of the Latin American military attachés and Israeli companies from the sector of security and defence.

The Military Attachés attending the event represented ARGENTINA, BRAZIL, CHILE, ECUADOR, HONDURAS, MEXICO, PERU, SPAIN.

The event started with a welcome speech given by Mr Amit Titelman, CEO of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce, and Mr Yoram Naor, Member of the Chamber's Board of Directors, followed with a brief by Mr Roni Tidhar, Head of International Consulting Services at the Israel Airports Authority (רשות שדות התעופה).

At the next part of the meeting, representatives from the companies B1 Defense Technologies and Solutions(BE1 Digital Marketing & Business Development),

Marom Dolphin, and Wintego presented their products to The Military Attachés.

We thanks to all the participants for making this event successful, and we hope to meet you again in our upcoming activities.



The Latin America Chamber of Commerce and the Embassy of El Salvador in Israel, held the Forum "Israel - El Salvador, the country to do business." H.E. Héctor Celarié, El Salvador's Ambassador to Israel, H.E. Patricia Comandari, El Salvador's Deputy Minister of Foreign Relations and Economic Promotion, and Mr Cristian Flores, El Salvador's Deputy Commissioner for Strategic Projects participated in the event. We thank all of the attendees for participating in this forum.


Héctor Celarié, Embajador de El Salvador en Israel Alfonso Valencia, ministro Consular de El Salvador en Israel, Roberto Spindel, Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio Israel América Latina, Amit Titelman, Director de la Cámara de Comercio Israel América Latina, Yossi Abadi, TENLOT Group -  Cónsul Honorario de El Salvador, Menashe Rosenfeld, Cónsul Honorario de El Salvador, Dov Litvinof, CEO de ILAN, Or-el Levi,  Simba Group Israel, Sergio Vinitsky, Makalde Brothers LTD, Josh Casado, Trinity TG Group, 

Eyal Navarro, Yaniv Forma CEO, Allot Com., Terry Granot, President of the Caricom Chapter, Shauli Nakar, Ewave Ltd, Shay Haas, MER Group


Hector Calarie the Ambassador of El Salvador and Alfonzso Valencia the Commercial attache of El Salvador, Roberto Spindel and Amit Tiltelman, President and CEO of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce,


Last Thursday, 09.11.2020, The Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce together with the Panama-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (Cámara de Comercio, Industria y Agricultura Panamá-Israel) and the Panamanian government held a seminar about investing in Panama. We thank the Panamanian Minister of Private Investment, H.E Jose Alejandro Rosas, the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, H.E. Juan Carlos Sosa and the Director of ProPanama Amb. Carmen Gisela Vergara for their expositions.


The Latin America Chamber of Commerce with the ambassador's club of Israel held a farewell event in honor of the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, H.E John N. Guiliani.

Among the participants were the Ambassadors of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, the Deputy Ambassador of Guatemala, Deputy Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, Honorary Consul of Paraguay in Israel and other distinguished guests.  The event was hosted by Mr. Amit Titelman, CEO of the Israel- Latin American Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Yoram Naor  Honorary Consul of Belize and VP of ACI



Amit Titelman, CEO of the Israel- Latin American Chamber of Commerce,  Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, H.E John N. Guiliani and Mr. Yoram Naor  Honorary Consul of Belize and VP of ACI


Mr. Yoram Naor  Honorary Consul of Belize and VP of ACI and the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic, H.E John N. Guiliani 


Last Thursday, 10.09.2020, Roberto Spindel and Amit Titelman, President and CEO of the Israel- Latin America Chamber of Commerce, together with Dov Litvinoff, Director of ilan Israel - Latin American Network, held a meeting with the future DCM (Deputy Chiefs of Mission) at the Israeli Embassies in Peru, Ecuador, and Chile.

At the meeting, both sides discussed cooperation possibilities between the Israeli Embassies and the Israel- Latin America Chamber of Commerce.


Amit Tiltelman and Roberto Spindel, CEO and President of the Israel Latin America Chambre of Commerce, together with Dov Litvinoff, Director of Ilan Israel and Elad Shoshan, Nadav Markman and Jakin Mandelblum, future DCM to Chile, Ecuador and Peru.

Herewith is a short bio of the diplomats:

Jakin Mandelblum holds a B.Sc in Biotechnology at Bar Ilan University. He also earned an M. PH (Master in Public Health) with a specialty in Emergencies and Disasters from Tel Aviv University and is currently finishing a Master's degree in Immunology and Microbiology from the same university. He will be serving as a Deputy Chief of Mission at the Israeli Embassy in Lima, Peru.

Nadav Markman earned a BA Political Science, Islam and the Middle East at the Tel Aviv University and an MBA in Business Administration from the Ben Gurion University. Before starting his diplomatic career, Mr. Markman was a parliamentary advisor and spokesperson at the Knesset and a political advisor at the British Embassy in Israel. He will be serving as a Deputy Chief of Mission at the Israeli Embassy in Quito, Ecuador.

Elad Shoshan holds an honorary BA Degree in Business and Finance from the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. He served as the CEO of 'Zikaron BaSalon.' This role granted him the Presidential Award for outstanding volunteerism. Elad is also the Co-Founder of 'NOX Group,' a food and beverage company specializing in culture and hospitality. He will be serving as a Deputy Chief of Mission at the Israeli Embassy in Santiago, Chile


ביום חמישי, 10 בספטמבר 2020, לשכת המסחר ישראל- אמריקה הלטינית ארגנה הרמת כוסית לרגל ראש השנה. האירוע התקיים במשרדי Ilan Israel - Latin American Network בתל אביב. מר דב ליטבינוף, מנכ"ל ILAN בישראל פתח את המפגש בדברי ברכה. מר רוברטו ספינדל, נשיא לשכת המסחר ישראל-אמריקה הלטינית דיבר על האתגרים וההזדמנויות בזמן קורונה, ושגריר אורוגוואי בישראל, השגריר ברנרדו גרייבר, ציין את שיתוף הפעולה בין שגרירויות אמל"ט בארץ לבין לשכת המסחר ישראל אמל"ט ואיחל לכל הנוכחים שנה טובה מלאת בריאות.

אנו רוצים להודות לשגרירי אל סלבדור, אורוגוואי, גינאה המשוונית, קולומביה וצ'ילה ולדיפלומטים מאקוודור, גואטמלה, הונדורס, מקסיקו, ספרד, קוסטה ריקה, פנמה והרפובליקה הדומיניקנית על השתתפותם.

שנה טובה ומתוקה!!!

El Jueves 10 de septiembre de 2020 la Cámara de Comercio Israel- América Latina organizó en la oficinas de Ilan Israel - Latin American Network en Tel Aviv un brindis por el nuevo año judío. El evento comenzó con las palabras de Dov, Litvinoff, Director de Ilan Israel. Posteriormente Roberto Spindel, Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio Israel- America Latina destacó las la nuevas oportunidades y desafíos en tiempos de pandemia. Finalmente el Embajador de Uruguay en Israel, Emb. Bernardo Graiver, destacó la colaboración entre las Embajadas Latinonamericanas en Israel y la Cámara de Comercio Israel-América Latina y expresó sus deseos de un buen año 5781.

Agradecemos la participación en el evento de los Embajadores de Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guinea Ecuatorial y Uruguay así como a los diplomáticos de Costa Rica, Ecuador, España, Honduras, México, Panamá y República Dominicana.

Feliz año nuevo!


Emb. Bernardo Gravier, Embajador de Uruguay en Israel, destacando la colaboración entre las Embajadas Latinonamericanas en Israel y la Cámara de Comercio Israel-América Latina.


Mr. Dov Litvinoff, Director de ILAN Israel dando la bienvenida a los presentes.


Mr. Roberto Spindel, Presidente de la Cámara de Comercio Israel- América Latina destacando las oportunidades y desafios en tiempos de pandemia



En el día de hoy 31.08.2020, Roberto Spindel y Amit Titelman el Presidente y el CEO de la Cámara de Comercio Israel- América Latina, tuvieron una reunión de trabajo con el nuevo Embajador de la República Argentina en Israel, Emb. Sergio Urribarri y el Vice Embajador Francisco Tropepi en la Embajada Argentina en Israel.
En la reunión se discutieron las relaciones bilaterales entre Israel y Argentina y las oportunidades de negocios para ambos países.

היום, 31.08.2020, רוברטו ספינדל ועמית טיטלמן הנשיא והמנכ"ל של לשכת המסחר ישראל- אמריקה הלטינית, נפגשו עם שגריר ארגנטינה החדש, סרחיו אוריברי (Sergio Urribarri) ועם סגנו, פרנסיסקו טרופפי (Francisco Tropepi) בשגרירות ארגנטינה. בפגישה דנו ביחסים הבילטרליים בין ישראל לארגנטינה ובשיתופי פעולה עסקיים עתידיים.

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August 26, 2020

We hosted a special event for our member companies in the security field. On it, they presented their products to the military attaches from Latin America and Spain.

We want to thank the representatives from Israel Aerospace Industries Israel ShipyardsCellebrite, Trinity TD Group, and Allot for their great presentations, and to the military attaches from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Peru, Mexico, and Spain for their participation in this successful event.


The President and the CEO of the Israel Latin America Chamber of Commerce לשכת המסחר ישראל - אמריקה הלטינית, Roberto Spindel and Amit Titelman, welcoming the participants of the event


Udi Sharon - Marketing VP, Latin America Israel Aerospace Industries


Paul Fridberg - Senior Director Cellebrite


Ilan Lavi - Marketing Director - Latin America Israel Shipyards


Yaniv Forma- CEO & Founder Trinity TD Group


Eyal Navarro- Director of Sales Allot

August 18, 2020

Roberto Spindel - President of the Israel - Latin America Chamber of Commerce, participated a webinar organized by the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investments, and Fisheries of Ecuador about Kosher Certification for the Israeli Market.  Mr. Spindel spoke about the opportunities for Ecuadorian business people in this unique market.


On Thursday, August 3, 2020, we held the annual General Assembly of the Israel-Latin American Chamber of Commerce in the Chamber new offices in Hertzliya Pituah.

Among the participant of the Assembly, we want to highlight the attendance of Amb. Marcos Vinicio Vargas, Ambassador of Costa Rica in Israel and Amb. Carlos Chavez Taffur, Ambassador of Peru in Israel, Ms. Sabine Segal, Deputy DG for International Business Affairs at מכון היצוא - Israel Export Institute , Mr. Dan Catarivas, Deputy DG for International Business Affairs at התאחדות התעשיינים בישראל , Ms. Ruth Amit-Fogel, Honorary Consul of Paraguay in Israel, Mr. Yoram Naor, Honorary Consul of Belize in Israel, Min. Javier Gerardo Rojas Vízquez, Consul of Costa Rica in Israel and Ms. Dyana Cordero, Director of Promotora del Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica office in Israel.

After the welcoming speeches, the President of the Chamber, Mr. Roberto Spindel, and the Chamber's CEO, Mr. Amit Titelman, presented to the Board of Directors of the Chamber the activities made in 2019, the changes performed due to the pandemic, and the plans for the future.

Before ending the meeting, the General Assembly ratified the Board of Directors and the President for another term.


Agriculture opportunities in the Dominican Republic were presented July 27, 2020 in the webinar hosted by the Israel Latin America Chamber of commerce, and the Embajada de la Republica Dominicana en Israel שגרירות הרפובליקה הדומיניקנית

Ambassador Guiliani and Ambassador Biran attended the meeting and greeted the participants. Tax and other investment incentives were reviewed by Silvia Cochon, Promotion and Investment Manager at Free Zones. Then, the Export Director of the Center for Export and investment of the Dominican Republic.

Centro de Exportación e Inversión de República Dominicana | CEI-RD presented their new platform CEI-RD Connect. Finally, there was an open discussion about how to improve the trade between the Dominican Republic and Israel.

We thank all the speakers and participants and invite you to follow us in the social networks to learn more about upcoming events.


Investment opportunities in Panama were presented in the webinar hosted by the Israel Latin America Chamber of commerce and the Panamanian Embassy in Israel. Tax and other investment incentives were reviewed by one of the major law firms in the country. Also, Alfredo Aleman, CEO of Grupo LosPueblos, presented concrete Real Estate projects.

We thank all the speakers and participants and invite you all to follow us in the social networks to learn more about upcoming events.


We are proud to inform you that ILAN, Israel Latin America Network, joined our Chamber as platinum members. ILAN is a Mexican based NGO dedicated to promoting good relations between Israel and LatAm through innovation promotion. We are confident that the synergy of our organizations will generate good opportunities for all.

In the picture Dov Litvinoff ,ILANs CEO in Israel, with Roberto Spindel and Amit Titelman.

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